Full Employment | SCREAMFEST

Full Employment

US Premiere
Sunday, October 18, 2009 - 12:00am
Run Time: 
The fictional documentary "Full Employment" introduces an innovative federal pilot project: The Agency for Assisted Employment. The extension of lifetime careers means that more and more older citizens have to continue working, and that there aren't enough jobs for young, less qualified workers, making Agencies for Assisted Employment a nationwide necessity. Young employees, similar to civil service workers, assist older people in carrying out their jobs. The film documents a workday for Miro and the client he assists, 78-year-old Mr. Janssen. Mr. Janssen is a zombie hunter."
Directed by: 
Thomas Oberlies & Matthias Vogel
Produced by: 
Frank Kaminski & Ulrich Stiehm
Written by: 
Thomas Oberlies & Matthias Vogel
Main Cast: 
Wilfried Elste, Mark Auerbach, Wolfgang Stegemann, Antje Rau, Martin Baden, Rainer Knepperges, Rainer Gerlach, Fred Yorgk, Andreas Merker, Stefan Bergel