The Funhouse

No Premiere
Saturday, October 14, 2017 - 5:00am
Run Time: 
1 hour 36 mins
Four teenage friends spend the night in a carnival funhouse and are stalked by a deformed man in a Frankenstein mask.
Directed by: 
Tobe Hooper
Produced by: 
Steven Bernhardt
Executive Producer(s): 
Mark L. Lester & Mace Neufeld
Written by: 
Lawrence Block
Main Cast: 
Elizabeth Berridge, Shawn Carson & Jeanne Austin

About the Director

Tobe HooperHonored with many awards for his films and achievement in the horror genre, Tobe Hooper is truly one of the Masters of Horror. On The Funhouse (1981)] "Well, it wasn't the film I expected to be doing. I actually thought I'd come off of "Salem's" and do something like Eyes of Laura Mars (1978). But this was available and they really wanted me to do it. The writer, Larry Block, talked me into it over the course of 48 hours. It wasn't the film I expected. It surprised me, so my approach to it was probably lighter, less stressful." Tobe Hooper died on August 26, 2017, in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles and will be missed greatly.